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- Get Rid of Social Media Burnout Once and For All
Get Rid of Social Media Burnout Once and For All
3 ways to autopilot social media growth.
Let's face it. Social media can feel like a chore.
I have been in the marketing industry for 5 years.
During that time, I have built a 6-figure marketing company. I have also overseen and implemented several profitable marketing strategies for various client. From property managers to fortune 500 brands that you would recognize. (hint: makeup).
But there's always one marketing medium that clients quit on first.
Social media.
Most quit for two reasons:
Not worth the effort.
Not worth the time.
In this article i'm going to give you three commonly used short-term rental post buckets so you can:
Create wealth.
Avoid creative block.
Build an audience.
Without burning out. Let's dive in.

Bucket #1: Build The Story
Storytelling has been the greatest way to describe a situation for 30,000 years.

It's also the easiest short-term rental post bucket to create.
You don't have to prepare or stage anything.
Here are some ideas to help tell your story:
Create a weekly Reel describing what's going on in the business.
Go on adventures in your area and create a highlight Reel of the things you saw, ate or smelt.
Create a video of a new project like bonfire pit, awning or hot tub installation.

Storytelling posts are the easiest to create. You just capture moments you are doing anyway. Plus 30 seconds to write a caption.
Effort required: 2/10
Time required: 1/10
Bucket #2: Listing Photos
When I say listing photos I mean photos of your property.
Listing photo's don't really change unless you remodel. So going to the property every Sunday and creating content isn't a good use of time.
Here's a better idea that will save you time and effort while increasing the quality of posts:
Hire a professional photographer or influencer to visit once a season.
"But that costs money!"
I know but hear me out,
Airbnb photographers are really skilled at capturing different angles in one space to get a variety of shots.
If a photographer can capture 50 unique shots of your property per season. That's 200 post-worthy pieces of content.
If you post one professional shot per week. That's almost 4 years of post-worthy content you'll have laying around.
4 years!!!!
A one-time cost for a long term outsized return is always worth it.
Effort required (to find a photographer): 4/10
Time required: 1/10
Bucket #3: Talk About The Area
Be the local guide.
What do you like to do in the area? Whatever your answer, talk about it.
Two things to keep in mind:
Avoid being broad (i.e "this is the mainstreet full of many shops and restaurants.")
Instead, get as specific as you can.
For example, my STR is in northern Wisconsin. There we have:
A river to float down.
Lakes to fish on.
300+ miles of mountain bike trails.
I could create content for the whole summer by doing each activity once. All I would need to do is take out my camera during different moments of the experience.

It seems simple. But the simple activities are the ones visitors are looking for. Especially in northern Wisconsin.
Effort required: 3/10
Time required: 5/10
Use all 3 buckets to get rid of social media burnout once and for all
All 3 of these buckets are different. Meaning, if you did one for a month and got sick of it, you could do another.
After some time of rotating through these 3 buckets you'll form your own process.
After you form a process, it'll become second nature.
Once creating content becomes second nature, you won't care about the time or effort required.

That's how you autopilot social media growth.
That's all for today. I'll see you in the next article.
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